We are proud of the dogs that we have bred that win for others!
When someone comes to us wanting a dog to show, we take it very seriously. We want only the very best quality dogs representing Ocoee at shows around the country. We are proud to sell our best and watch their careers blossom.
Meet Molly Markley and her Gamble! Gamble is Molly's first English Springer Spaniel and her first ever conformation show dog. Molly showed Gamble to his CH title all by herself, finishing him easily just past 18 months of age. Watch for Gamble in the AKC Owner Handler Series and doing many performance events. Thank you Molly for the great job you are doing with Gamble. He is by CH TDP Springbrook Ocoee Back in Black out of Ch Ocoee High Resolution.

CH Ocoee Worth The Wager

CH Ocoee Once Notorious Trebilcock
Teddy is by GRCH Ocoee You Only Live Once out of Ch Ocoee High Resolution. He is owned by Hebe Quinton in MA and was handled to his title by Meghen Ulfers. He finished handily at 18 months old and will be doing some performance work soon.
Boeing is by GRCH Ocoee It Figures! out of Ch Pawmarc Ocoee Dazzled by Magic. He went to Norah Nouche when he was 12 weeks old. She has done an amazing job with Boeing, making him the Number 1 ESS in Argentina for five years running and also a top Sporting dog. In addition he has give Norah lovely offspring for her to go on with. He lives a fabulous life as Norah's very special pet and bed dog.

International and Argentinian Grand Ch Ocoee Boeing

GRCHS Ocoee Wild About Hunter
Wesley is by CH Ocoee Figure It Out ex Ch Ocoee Go Wild. He and his owner handler Sandy McKinney have had a 'wild ride'. Together they have won several Sporting Group firsts and placements. But we are most proud that Wesley stands as the all time Top Winning Springer in the AKC National Owner Handler series, with 25 Best In Show wins!
River is by GRCH Ocoee You Only Live Once out of Ch Ocoee Go Wild. Thanks to his owners and sometimes handler (Debbie Williams, Don and Debbie Bush, and Clair Cibitor) River has become a multiple Sporting Group Winner and an Owner Handler Best In Show winner. We are very proud of all of his accomplishments!

GRCHS Ocoee Riversong From A Distant Star

GCH Ocoee N Pawmarc Twice Bedazzled by Magic
Vinny is by GCH Ocoee You Only Live Once ex CH Pawmarc Ocoee Dazzled by Magic. He finished his title completely owner handled by Pat Wilaby, and he is a Specialty Best of Breed Winner and an OH Best In Show winner. Look for puppies by him in the pacific NW.
Willie completed his Championship title with all majors (five of them!), most of them coming at Specialty or supported entry shows. He was completely owner handled to his title by Laura Burke.
Willie is from the repeat breeding of Ch Ocoee Figure It out ex Ch. Ocoee Go Wild. He is the treasured house pet of the Burke family. We thank them for finishing him so handsomely!

CH Ocoee Born To Be Wild

CH Ocoee Rush The Quarterback
Cameron is from the second breeding of Benny and Penny. He finished with four majors, including a Specialty win. He lives in CA with Bonnie Buchanan
Indie is by GRCH Ocoee It Figures! out of CH Ocoee High Resolution. She is owned and handled by Paula Lynch in South Carolina. Indie finished with WB at the ESSFTA Regional Specialty under breeder judge Judy Manley. She has gone on to earn her Grand Championship in short order, with some lovely wins and Owner Handler group placements.

GRCH Ocoee Crescent Figure Me In

CH Ocoee Wild Ride
Congratulations to new CH Ocoee Wild Ride (Enzo). He is by Ch Ocoee Figure It Out ex Ch Ocoee Go Wild. He is owned by Joyce Bailey in California and was handled to his title by Nancy Amante. He will soon have more titles behind his name!
Elle is Russells littersister. She lives in California with Bonnie Buchanan. She finished her title with three majors, two of them at Specialties. She is in whelp to GCH Silverhill Steel Wheels, due around March 1, 2020.

CH Ocoee Dolphan Diva

GRCHB Ocoee Wild About Hunter
Wesley and his owner handler Sandy McKinney are a fantastic team! In both 2017 and 2019 Wesley was the #1 Springer in the AKC Owner Handler series, winning many OH BIS awards. In 2017 he won the OH Sporting Group at the AKC Invitational show! Wesley is also a multiple Sporting Group winner. We are very proud of all the things that Sandy has accomplished with her boy.
Wesley is OFA hips excellent, eyes normal and a PRA DNA career.
Photo by TDP photography
Meet 'Willie', Ocoee Born To Be Wild. He lives in California with Tom and Laura Burke. He is by Ch. Ocoee Figure It Out ex Ch. Ocoee Go Wild!. As a youngster he has some lovely wins including a major and a Best in Sweepstakes. We love this boy and are so proud of the job Laura is doing with him.

Ocoee Born To Be Wild
Ch Ocoee Winsome Out and About
We would like to congratulate Martha Warnock on her brand new Champion, Ocoee Winsome Out and About. Martha owner handled Nigel to his title in tough Southern California competition. He is by Ch. Ocoee Figure It Out ex Ch. Legendary Elegant Shimmer. Way to go Martha! Now Nigel will be working on titles to add to the other end of his name.
Website created and managed by Kathy Lorentzen. Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved.